RFC Bylaws

Article 1. Name: The Christian motorcycle club of Edinburg Road Chapel shall have the name Riders For Christ-CMC. CMC stands for Christian Motorcycle Club.

Article 2. Accountability: Riders For Christ-CMC shall be recognized as an official ministry of Edinburg Road Chapel of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. It shall be accountable to the Constitution and By-laws of the church. The Elder Board of Edinburg Road Chapel shall have the final authority on issues regarding all motorcycle ministry activities.

Article 3. Bible Verse: Revelation 19:11. I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True(NIV).

Article 4. Emblem/Patch/Colors. The colors of the club shall be adopted by a majority of the active club members. Only members are permitted to wear the colors. The colors give testimony of commitment to The Lord Jesus Christ, who died for our sins, and rose from the dead to give us Eternal Life and the indwelling power of His Holy Spirit. We ride for Jesus as His disciples.

Article 5. Purpose.
1. To promote fellowship with Christian motorcycle enthusiasts,
2. To build bridges to un-churched motorcycle riders,
3. To bring glory to Jesus Christ through various rides, cruise-ins, the blessing of the bikers, and projects in our local community and world.

Article 6. Membership. In order to become an active member with the privilege of wearing the club colors and to vote at club meetings, an interested person must make a request to become a prospect. At its monthly meeting, the active membership will have a vote to accept or reject the request. If accepted, the prospect will be assigned a sponsor. The following requirements must be met and maintained.

a. Prospect: The Prospect and all active members must have a running motorcycle, registered, insured, and capable of maintaining speeds for local, highway, and Interstate travel. The prospect and all active members must have a valid motorcycle license. The prospect must attend at least two(2) Church services at Edinburg Road Chapel a month for a period of at least two(2) months. Under the supervision of their sponsor, the prospect will be guided in living a life in accordance with the requirements and by-laws of the club and in what is fitting for living a Christ-like life. During this two (2) month period, the prospect shall read the club by- laws and attend all official meetings and rides sponsored by Riders For Christ-CMC unless working, in the hospital, or an acceptable excuse approved by the club President or Sergeant-at-Arms. Prospect stands for Prospective Member, but no prospect patches will be worn. At the end of the sponsorship period, the active membership of the club will vote on the prospect status. It must be a unanimous vote by the active members present to be accepted as a new active member into the club.

b. Members: All active members of the club, must attend Edinburg Road Chapel Sunday Worship at least two (2) Sundays per month. All are encouraged to be active in one of ERC regular Small Groups (E/Cell Groups, etc.) All active members of the club are required to participate in all meeting, rides and events sponsored by Riders For Christ-CMC, unless they have a valid reason (sickness, work schedule, away on vacation, or another reason determined valid by the club President or Sergeant-at- Arms).

c. Dues: All active members shall pay an annual dues in cash as determined by a majority vote of the club’s membership. The money from the collected dues, will be used as determined by a majority vote of the active members present at its regular monthly meeting, or, in case of an emergency, as determined by the club Executive Committee.

d.Discipline: All club discipline will be handled by the club Executive Committee. This will include necessary action regarding a warning, probation, or dismembership(strip of colors). Warning means a club member has been given notice from the Executive Committee and the need to correct the offense. ”Probation” means a club member has been forbidden to wear his/her colors to anything but a club meeting or an Edinburg Road Chapel function. The probation period will be determined by the Executive Committee and must be a minimum of one(1) month and no longer than one(1) year. Probation members must attend all club functions but are not permitted to vote. At the end of the probation period, the Executive Committee will determine if the member is to be reinstated or removed from membership. Dismembership means a member must return their colors and official membership t-shirts, hats, pins, or patches.

e. Absentee Members: Active members who will be away from the area for extended periods (one month to one year) of time because of Health reasons, Military Obligations, or Church Missions ministries, etc are still considered members in good standing and may wear their colors, but are not required to pay dues.

f. Honorary Members: Honorary Members are those individuals who, because of health. or age, or special restrictions be permitted to wear the club’s colors by a majority vote of the active members. Honorary members may attend meetings, but cannot serve as officers or vote. If an active member dies, they will be considered an Honorary Member.

g. Leaving The Club: A member may leave the club in good standing at any time upon request to the members of the club at a regular meeting. They may keep their colors but are not permitted to wear them.

Article 7. Officers and Leaders: The following is a brief ministry/position description for the Officers, Leaders, and Honorary Members of Riders For Christ-CMC. Each officer and leader, except for the senior pastor, will be elected by a majority of the active members present at the time of elections, and they shall give testimony of their faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is The Faithful and True Rider. Elections will be held at the clubs regular December or January meeting.

Senior Pastor: The Senior Pastor of Edinburg Road Chapel shall be an ex officio member of Riders For Christ-CMC.

President: The club President shall be the chairperson of all called meetings, shall call meetings as necessary (including all emergency meetings), and shall serve as a liaison between the church, other biker ministries and clubs, and Riders For Christ-CMC.

Vice-President: The Vice-President shall assist the President in all the affairs of the club, shall serve as chairperson in the Presidents absence, and shall assist the Secretary-Treasurer with all financial collections, disbursements, transactions, and records.

Secretary-Treasurer: The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for all correspondence of the club, and shall be responsible for the financial transactions of the club, with the help of the Vice-President.

Road Captain: The Road Captain shall plan, organize, and lead all club bike runs, rides, and special trips, including funeral assignments.

Assistant Road Captain: The Assistant Road Captain shall assist the Road Captain regarding all club runs, rides, special trips, funeral assignments, and shall serve as a leader in setting road guards when needed.

Sergeant-At-Arms: The Sergeant-At-Arms shall be responsible for maintaining all the rules and regulations of the club, and assisting the President and Vice- President with any devotionals at club meetings.

Executive Committee: The Executive Committee of the club shall consist of the President, Vice-President, Secretary-Treasurer, Sergeant-At-Arms, Road Captain, and the church Senior Pastor. They shall have power to meet and make emergency decisions regarding ministries and activities of the club that do not violate the By-Laws. They shall be recognized as the Official Officers of the club. Emergency decisions by the Executive Committee must have a minimum of four (4) affirmative votes to be adopted, or to pass.

Article 8. Prayer Warriors and Supporters: Prayer Warriors shall assist in communicating the prayer needs as related to the club and other biker ministries. Supporters are those individuals who fully support the club with their time, talents, and treasure. Prayer Warriors and Supporters may wear the center patch/logo of the club, but not the upper or lower rockers.

Article 9. Amendments: These By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active membership of Riders For Christ-CMC. Articles 3, 4 and 5 must have a unanimous vote to be amended.

Adopted ( 05/03/2011)